Build A Production-Level Crypto Trading Bot

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Build your own custom production-level python crypto trading bot, complete with logging. Run it from your personal computer or server that has python installed. Includes instructions for both paper trading (testing out your strategy) and live trading. You'll also get a basic momentum strategy set up, learn how to set up a trading server (optional), and learn how to capture market data in your logs.

What you're going to build:

What you need to complete this tutorial

  1. A Mac or Windows computer
  2. Basic programming knowledge helpful but not required

Why build your trading app with Python?

Python is a versatile, high-level programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and robust libraries. Within the world of finance, Python has quickly become the go-to language for algorithmic trading, risk management, and financial analysis, in part due to its extensive libraries such as Pandas, CCXT (CryptoCurrency eXchange Trading Library), and TA (Technical Analysis).

  • Python’s ease of use allows for rapid development, testing, and deployment of automated trading strategies.
  • The language’s inherent flexibility means it can easily interface with various data sources, trading platforms, and exchange APIs
  • The combination of Python’s adaptability and powerful mathematical libraries makes it an invaluable tool for developing sophisticated trading algorithms, modeling financial data, and conducting real-time trading in financial markets.

Some Python basics to consider

  • Indentation Matters: Unlike many programming languages that use braces or other delimiters to define code blocks, Python relies on indentation. Consistent spacing is crucial for the correct execution of the code.
  • Dynamic Typing: Python is dynamically typed, which means variable types are determined at runtime rather than during compilation. This offers flexibility but also requires developers to be cautious of type-related errors.
  • Interpreted Language: Python is an interpreted language, which means it executes code line-by-line, making it easy to debug and test small chunks of code quickly.
  • Cross-Platform: Python is platform-independent, so a program written in Python can be executed on various operating systems with little to no modification.


This tutorial is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as financial or investment advice. Building and using a crypto trading bot involves significant risks, including potential financial loss. ManicDream and its authors are not responsible for any decisions you make based on the information provided in this tutorial, nor any losses or damages you might incur. Always conduct thorough research and consult with financial professionals before making investment decisions.